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Solid World Update — September 2023

Only four months into our journey since launch, and we have demonstrated fast product-led growth almost organically.

September might have been our biggest month yet! We doubled our AUM, launched a new market and token, embarked on various new partnerships, and received positive recognition from across the industry!

Read on for some of our most recent announcements and accomplishments!


  • Fast growth: We launched our second market and doubled our AUM to $2.2M. That’s over 30% MoM growth since the launch four months ago.
  • #1 in Polygon: We topped the TVL growth charts on Polygon for the last week of September, coming in at #1! We were also listed among the top 10 rising stars to watch on Polygon!
  • New market launched: Solid World's new CRISP-C market will contribute to the distribution of 1 million clean and efficient cookstoves to Rohingya refugees in collaboration with SCB and KlimaDAO! In addition to reducing emissions, these stoves will also save lives and improve health by reducing indoor smoke! You can be a part of this effort by simply staking in our CRISP-C pool with one click!
  • 10+ distributors are building on us or starting to sell our supply - including some of the most significant environmental trading firms in the world.
  • Multichain release: We began rolling out our cross-chain staking feature, which will allow users to stake from any chain. We began our rollout with Celo. Our technological moat is expanding fast.
  • Rising star: Solid World was listed as a breakout startup and rising star of the 2023 Baltics in the Baltic Deep Tech Report!
  • Top 50 Finalists: Solid World is among the top 50 finalists for the top startup at The European Blockchain convention. We're honored to be listed along with so many great projects.

Product-Market-Fit Confirmed

  • We have commitments lined up for three more markets under VCM and two more markets in compliance markets. That’s an additional ~$5M AUM coming soon. The next market is scheduled to be released in two months.
  • Suppliers love what we are doing, and we get so much inbound that we are struggling to handle the volume.
  • We haven’t started to work on volumes yet, but we already have $86K trading volume.

New Partnerships

  • SCB - one of the world’s biggest environmental trading houses, became a liquidity provider for the CRISP-C market.
  • KlimaDAO - The biggest on-chain carbon market DAO became a liquidity provider for the CRISP-C market.
  • Atem - a carbon sourcing and management platform helping corporate customers on their way to net zero. Solid World’s prepaid carbon credit inventory will now be available on Atem’s platform!

Networking and Speaking Appearances

  • Stenver spoke on a panel at this year’s ReFi NYC, an official Climate Week event. You can watch the panel on YouTube.
  • Stenver and Rez will be attending COP28 this year. Please reach out to us if you want to connect at the event.

Press, Articles, and Podcasts

  • The CRISP-C launch was covered by QCIntel, Yahoo News, ReFi Japan, and a variety of other media outlets.
  • Stenver published a new article titled “Carbon Credits Are Like Metals” breaking down carbon markets by comparing them to well-known commodities like metals.
  • Stenver and Rez were interviewed for a new episode of the ReFi Podcast, which will be broadcast sometime in the next month!
  • Rez was interviewed for the Ma Earth Podcast about Solid World and carbon markets in general.

New Opportunities for You

  • For those interested in supporting environmental causes while earning attractive yields in Real World Assets, consider staking with us! You can start your journey here: https://app.solid.world/.

What is Solid World?

Solid World is the financial infrastructure for funding climate and energy assets. We address the capital constraints these assets face, turning them into liquid commodities.

Thank you!

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission. As always, we look forward to hearing from you and working together to fight climate change.

-Stenver and the Solid World Team