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Solid World Update — August 2023

Solid World had a huge summer and it ended with some incredible developments!

Read on for some of our most recent announcements and accomplishments!


  • We shipped our new one-click Zap feature which makes staking easier than ever
  • Solid World is embarking on a groundbreaking partnership with Offsetra, a pioneering force in the Digital Carbon Market (DCM) landscape, who became a large liquidity provider on the platform and one of seven Mangrove Restoration guardians.
  • Our new CRISP report and project page was published for our Allcot project in Senegal
  • Solid World published a new web page designed for brokers, traders and distributors.
  • We currently have an open proposal with KlimaDAO to partner on a new liquidity pool for forward carbon credits for clean cookstoves

Networking and Speaking Appearances

  • Stenver and Rez will be attending the Permissionless Conference in Austin, Texas, September 11-13th
  • Stenver is speaking at ReFi NYC, an official Climate Week event.
  • Stenver, Rez and John will be at Climate Week In New York City September 18-22

Press, Articles and Podcasts

  • Stenver spoke at the Sustainable Blockchain Summit virtual event, the video has already been posted online
  • The video for John’s presentation about how we use AI in our marketing at the AI4 conference in Las Vegas was published
  • This Week in Refi posted two new episodes, including a conversation on the regulatory battles faced by the industry and an interview with Jasmine Energy CEO Dalton Combs
  • The team hosted a Twitter space to discuss the new one-click Zap feature
  • Solid World and Klima hosted a shared space to discuss our cookstove credit proposal

New Opportunities for You

  • For those interested in supporting environmental causes while earning attractive yields in Real World Assets, consider staking with us! You can start your journey here: https://app.solid.world/.

Thank you!

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission. As always, we look forward to hearing from you and working together to fight climate change.

What is Solid World?

Solid World is a climate commodity financing solution that is truly liquid and transparent, starting with carbon removals. Solid World launched the Mangrove restoration pool by purchasing carbon removals at a discount pre-delivery and offering them to distributors, creating a transparent and liquid market in the middle. Participants can stake in the liquid market and get rewarded 14% vAPR. Solid World minimizes delivery risk with an AI-powered CRISP framework.